Unknown TUT

Download and install 1 to 4

1.Mobile Partner and Install- http://download.myusbmodem.com/home/Huawei%20Dashboards/Normal%20Setup/Mobile_Partner_23_for_windows.zip

2.Huawei Hilink Drivers- https://modemsolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Huawei-HiLink-Drivers.zip

3.Huawei Hilink Driver V5- https://routerunlock.com/download-huawei-hilink-driver-v5-1-2600-2781/

4.BOS_Solution- https://app.box.com/s/j6a77e4icm8ackjqhzionu821zy2yklu

Balong USB Downloader- https://routerunlock.com/download-huawei-balong-usb-downloader-1-0-1-10-gui/

E5573_nck_oem.bin File- https://app.box.com/s/e2tclo3h8ywq3xwwwk8eh6mr37mlgph3

SalluHassan Huawei Calculator v4- https://app.box.com/s/qxnkdega4iy4nf4ru1ftdzdptxjqv5nb

Putty- https://app.box.com/s/8ifqk3weli6qqqzylpvepfyum9357vui

After Downloading the required above files,

  • Install the Above files number'd 1 to 5 Simultanously and Reboot your PC.

BOOT SHOTING YOUR E5573x-xxxx Series
Before i proceed, have it in mind that the E5573Cs and E5573s have slight difference on their Board, so Boot shot pin are different

  • Next is for you to Unscrew your Device, to view the Board. after Uncrewing, it should be like this.

  • Boot shot Images for both devices,

E5573Cs Models-

E5573s Models-

NOTE: Various tutorials instruct u to insert an alternative sim card and battery before you proceed, but i tell you its not compulsary till the final step.

1.Now get a twizer or any metal/wire.

2.Connect a usb cable to your mifi port first, then place the twizer/metal on the marked spot indicated on the above image with your left hand.

3.Now using your right hand, connect the other end of the usb cable to your PC, it should make a sound, sometime it wont make a sound . just follow the next step

4.Run 'Balong USB Downloader' click on Detect, it will run a short log within a sec, then click on the Drop down menu, you should find an option titled:
'COM HUAWEI Mobile Connect 3G PC UI Interface [BOOT_3G]'

5.Select it and Goto the next box. Click on it and locate where u extracted the E5573_nck_oem.bin file to and select it.

Next hit the Load Button, and wait for it to read fully,

After that your mifi should make a sound.

Goto your device manager and open it.

If have no idea where that is on your pc, goto 'Control Panel\Hardware and Sound'

Next open Device manager and look for the com port id titled 'FC - PC UI Interface(COM18)
NOTE: yours could be any port number e.g com12,com11,com20 etc.

So after get the port i.D, Launch Putty.exe
Select 'Serial' then under serial line, Input your com port i.D, e.g mine is COM18.

Next select 'Terminal' by the left of the Putty Category section.
Configure 'Local Echo' to **Force On**
and "Local line editing" to **Force On** too

Then Hit 'Open' below the configuration.
 You should get this screen next.

 Now carefully follow my Guide.
 The Codes are of Two fields,
 ^NVRDEX: 50502 and ^NVRDEX: 50503

 We'll be using the second field ^NVRDEX: 50503
 We'll use the second field to do the job, ignore the rest.
 Now on the second field, Higlight the first character after "^NVRDEX: 50503,0,128," Download to the last characters before the 00 begins

 Here is my highlight:
 B3 04 73 F5 44 21 4D F7 36 98 C3 0D 36 53 17 5D 26 95 9C 93 D6 30 D2 2F 99 9A 69 59 0D 73 EA D2

 After Highlighting, on your keyboard hit "CTRL + C"

 Then Launch "SalluHassan Huawei Calculator v4"

Under the 'please choose an option' select NCK

Then on the Pattern 1 box, hit CTRL + V to paste the copied characters,(Make sure no space before and after the characters pasted)

after that go back to Putty and select the second string, which is
EE 77 B7 33 13 9F 20 B6 96 D8 15 DF DE 78 78 7B 25 A5 FA 21 74 ED 1F 0A CE 4F C0 BC 5B 7C 35 7F

This second string, u must always stop on the characters before '01'...
Now go back to the calcaulator and paste this code on the 'Pattern 2' box.

After pasting, Hit the calcaulate..

And wait for it to Calculate . some take 2minutes, some 10minutes some 15..so allow it read fully.

Once complete, your mifi unlock code well be displayed at the lower right corner of the calculator.

Now u can unplug your mifi and insert a restricted network sim and its battery, connect it to ur pc or mobile device, it will request for a code....just use the code u got from the calculator.
