Exhaust 5GB of Internet Data with Just 70box within 24hrs

As we all most,its been ongoing for a long time now both on PC and Smartphones,
my main for sharing this is for those of us that a new to it. or may be hearing about it for the first time ,so lets get started

BB10 active plan
Your Modem(Hotspot enabled devices can be used for those that dont have a modem)
Simpleserver Tunnelling App

Download this and Unpack to any folder
  • Subscribe to any of the BB10 Plans , but be adviced they are all capped(limited) at 5GB(daily,weekly,monthly)
Daily- N70 - *216*3*1#
Weekly- N350 - *216*3*2#
Monthly - N1000 - *216*3*3#
  • Once you get activation message,
  • Simply connect with MTN default settings on your modem.
  • Goto your firefox internet settings and set to listen to Proxy
Port: 8080
  • Now Run the simpleserver.exe program you extracted earlier and minimise to background while u browse and surf the net within the nxt 24hrs
