Hi everyone,
Once again i bring you all a nice application to generate Blackberry device's IMEI Number/ID, you dont need to go around calculating every digit you see
just to get an appropriate Blackberry Device's IMEI ID.
I know most of us might have an idea about this application, while some must have been using it for quite some time now, well like myself lol, mean while
some never heard about it if well properly understood, this might even be your first time to know such application does exist.
Well we should be thanking and giving Credits to Greatcallie for offering us this application,
Now my own part, will just feel you in with little of its functionality, its not much then provide you a Download link aswell, or you can also get it from
playstore, sometime i just prefer making it much easy to provide my readers with various usefull and handy softwares/applications
outside the market, thats while i'll always do as much as i can to provide you with links vividly,
The App generates Real bb IMEI on Android for use with Mtk phones.
It also links to an app which can be used to change the IMEI of MTK Android Smartphones.
Please note: that the Developer is not liable for any use or misuse of the app and does not guarantee its suitability for any purpose. The user is solely responsible for its use!
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