Hello everyone,
this is has always been one of my favourite parts when using my computer, which has to do with customising a computer/laptop UI(User Interface)
With this you will so get the best of 3rd themes/visual styles on the go, i know most of us must have thought about using cool themes on our laptops/
computers yet we end up with the some wack thems that only changes our wallpapers and boot/notification sounds, lol thats quite lame i tell u,
But never give up on trials there's nothing hidden under the sun, even there is, i believe one day someday it will come to you like you never thought about it,
Well all my bla bla bla, lets get the show started,
What is UXThemePatcher?
Well, this program will run as your theme engine service so you can use any 3rd party visual style on all Windows operating system.
Note: if uxstyle does version not worked for you then try to use uxtheme version
UXStyle base, this version will not modify system files and working with memory patch
Uxtheme base, this version will modify system files and working with patch Uxtheme.dll
Download both: Here
After downloading and installing, first try installing UXStyle, then reboot
- After that install any third party theme
- You can get such themes from Here
If you face any difficulties download from the above page, drop your request here in our comment box for a response and support.
NOTE: Geek3k.com will not be held responsible for any harm, on the other hand if done right and you believe your system is in a good condition and free from virus, various system glitches and errors, then i assure a neat work.
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