HTTP Injector plus MTN Musicplus Setup + Files

I Know most of are using this already, though intend to share for the knowledge of those that are new to it or just heard about it now for the first time
So here we go, its not much


  • You android smartphone
  • You ssh Server
  • HTTP Injector App
  • An active Musicplus sub
Link for required files provided below all zipped together in a single archive


Configure your access point as
PORT: 8080

Download the archive and unpack it,install the injector,after installationlaunch it.
Click on the 3 dots button at the top right coner of the HTTP Injector UI,
Select the Import option
navigate to where ever you extracted the entire archives,now select any of the listed servers and import
Once successful importing put on your data connection and Hit the start button, then you are good to go. thats all. Enjoy and also will drop a guide on how to create your own personal server.. 
please i recommend your always drop a feedback in other for me to assist anyway i can.
Thank you for reading.

DL Links: Here
